Oracles – Scions of Insight
Oracles, scions of insight: Another bloodline renown for mental powers, Oracles have visions. Some are more adept at seeing the present at far distances, others can predict the future or read theRead More…
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Oracles, scions of insight: Another bloodline renown for mental powers, Oracles have visions. Some are more adept at seeing the present at far distances, others can predict the future or read theRead More…
Tempters/Temptresses, scions of emotion: An unfortunate moniker they cannot shake, Tempters bridge the gap between mental and physical abilities. They have the ability to enhance and manipulate emotions at close range, butRead More…
Sirens, scions of music: One of the most physical bloodlines, Sirens are all very musical. They are the only bloodline with individuals who do not necessarily “see” auras, instead hearing short informative medleysRead More…
MEET CASSIE The Adventures of Cassie & Mojo – Book One October, 2013 A level one reader about Cassie, a beautiful ragdoll cat, who has a very good life with her family.Read More…